
Spring in Seville

 primavera en Sevilla- spring in seville

The perfume of the Orange Blossoms annouces the arrival of the Spring in Seville.

The Sping in Seville is about to arrive.Planted along the streets of Seville there are about 31.000 Bitter Orange Trees.Very soon, after the rains, the city will be overwhelmed by the strong perfume of the Orange blossoms. Spring in Seville smels to Azahar (Orange Blossom)

The origin of the Bitter Orange Trees.

Native from South Asia it arrives in Andalucia in the roman times. With the arrival of the Arabs in the VIII Century the use of Bitter Orange Trees as an ornameltal tree will became very popular. They were planted in streets, gardens and courtyards. Ever since this time, the intense aroma of the Azahar wellcomes the spring in Seville.

The Azahar blossoms are used to make perfumes. With the oranges the delicious Marmalade will be prepared.The Duke of Wellington brought into fashion all over Europe the excellent Marmalade prepared with the Seville Oranges. The MacAndrew Shipping Company in the  XIX Century started exporting the Seville Oranges to the North of England.

From Show Me Sevilla we help you to customized your own tour this spring

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