

iglesia de san luis

What are secularized temples? To understand its meaning we begin this first post with a definition of secularization.

Secularization is understood as the change experienced by something or someone who was under the ownership of religion and becomes civil or non-theological. In general, it is used to refer to the cultural, political, and civil independence of religion.


Perhaps the most notable ( remarkable ) was the one that occurred with the confiscation of Mendizábal in 1835. Most of the secularized temples passed into the hands of the public administrations, although it should be noted that not all of these secularized temples have had the same luck when it comes to their restoration and new use.

 There are many religious monuments such as churches, monasteries, hermitages… that are part of the historical heritage of a city, but for different reasons have been secularized and converted into civil buildings. Throughout the world we can find former sacred buildings that today have been restored for different uses, some converted into hotels, nightclubs, pubs…


In Seville, one of the most outstanding secularized churches is undoubtedly the Church of San Luis de los Franceses. It is one of the jewels of Sevillian Baroque. Designed by Leonardo de Figueroa and built between 1699 and 1730. Located on land donated to the Company of Jesus for the construction of a larger building and a church dedicated to St. Louis, who was Louis IX, King of France and first cousin ( cousin brother ) of King Ferdinand III the Saint, King who reconquered Seville and Patron of the city. It has had different uses: convent, Hospital for venerable priests … Already deconsecrated was for a time factory and then and until the 60s hospice. At present it belongs to the “Diputación de Sevilla” ( official administration ) and after many restorations, you can visit part of this spectacular building.

 Other secularized temples in Seville are: The Church of San Hermenegildo, the church of Santa Lucia, which since 2012 , houses the Center for Documentation of the Performing Arts of Andalusia. the church of San Lazaro, today is a hospital center. the chapel of the Palace of San Telmo, seat of the Presidency of the Junta de Andalucía ( Andalusian Goverment ). Santa María de las Cuevas, headquarters of the Andalusian Center of Contemporary Art…

If you want to know more about these monuments, do not hesitate to contact Show Me sevilla.

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